Welcome to “The System”

“You tricked me.”

“No. I didn’t trick you. Problem is, you still don’t get it. The system’s greater than both you and me.

It makes us save banks from going bust just so they don’t repossess our homes.

The system prescribes us antidepressant so we don’t miss a single day of work.

It tells us to travel by airplane, but we should go to work by bike.

To grow crops choked by pollution. Eat quinoa. Use botox. Do CrossFit. Be happy.

The system knows you’re tired, but it won’t let you stop. It won’t let you stop.

And if you get depressed, you can always look at kittycats online.

And you, you think you’re outside the system, but you’re a part of it.

That’s why you do what you do. That’s why you keep your mouth shut.”

“I don’t have a choice.”

“Precisely. I also do all this because they leave us no choice.

Because a police officer earns €1,400 a month in 15 instalments but they risk their life every day.

It’s not fair. We can’t defeat the system, but we can take advantage of it. Your choice.

Destroy it all. Our life. Our love. Our family.

Or get in the car and enjoy the vacation.”


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