Horse sense

If you work for a man, in Heaven’s name work for him. If he pays wages that supply you your bread and butter, wor for him, speak well of him, think well of him, and stand by him, and stand by the institution he […]

Dances at Work

My job involves many meetings every week. This is a known issue in my team, and some time ago we had a formal discussion about what could be done to make the whole situation less onerous. I agreed with the consensus that the majority […]

The Radical Moderate’s Manifesto

Konstantin Kisin on One of the most weird things that I experience every day is that my views are considered ‘controversial’. I find this a hilarious reflection on how mad society has become. I want maths teachers to teach maths, history teachers to teach […]


We live in a world where we collect data about everything. Think of the data we track on our navigation, our customer behavior, our health, and our company/team/individual performance. Unfortunately, this abundance of data led to a growing prevalence of KPI psychosis in technology […]

Not by AI

Not By AI badges are created to encourage more humans to produce original content and help users identify human-generated content. The Ultimate goal is make sure humanity continues to advance. An expert estimates that 90 percent of online content could be generated by AI […]


I wish that we lived in a golden age, where ethical behavior was assumed; where technically competent programmers respected the privacy of others; where we didn’t need locks on our computers. I’m saddened to find talented programmers devoting their time to breaking into computers. […]

The American psyche

In earlier cultural epochs, many people derived their self-worth from their relationship with God, or from their ability to be a winner in the commercial marketplace. But in a therapeutic culture people’s sense of self-worth depends on their subjective feelings about themselves. Do I […]