Assertive Debater (ENTP-A) vs. Turbulent Debater (ENTP-T)

Debaters often express their vibrant personality type differently depending on whether they have a Turbulent or Assertive Identity. These personality traits tend to most affect confidence, self-esteem, susceptibility to stress, and emotional reactivity. How Debaters show these effects can be seen in several areas of life.

Social Interaction
Debaters are socially forward, and Identity can affect how and why.

Turbulent Debaters (ENTP-T) notably seek attention and approval, while Assertive Debaters (ENTP-A) usually show less need for positive feedback. Both personalities enjoy social status, but most Assertive Debaters approach it confidently, with a sense of being accepted. Though outgoing, their Turbulent counterparts often wrestle with self-consciousness when among other people.

73% of Turbulent Debaters say they are often afraid of being rejected by other people, versus 29% of Assertive Debaters.

“Relying on others survey

This difference in confidence affects how Debater personalities relate with others. While Debaters generally aren’t focused on their feelings, Turbulent Debaters are relatively more willing to talk about them with others and tend to devote more effort to actively dealing with their negative feelings.

A notable majority of Turbulent Debaters say they work hard to get their anxieties, worries, and feelings under control, versus only half of Assertive Debaters. Turbulence may open the door to healthy self-examination and growth for this personality type.

77% of Turbulent Debaters say they get angry more easily than most people, compared to 37% of Assertive Debaters.

“Anger Management” survey

However, Identity affects conflicts as well. Most Debaters generally enjoy being provocateurs, but Turbulent Debaters are themselves more easily provoked to anger, jealousy, or envy. Assertive Debaters’ self-assurance helps stabilize them – they’re willingly feisty but less reactive.

Endeavor and Accomplishment
When it comes to goals and accomplishments, Debater personalities are usually optimistic risk-takers with little inhibition. However, when their impulses lead to unwanted outcomes, Identity differences become more apparent.

82% of Assertive Debaters say they feel like they are in control, even when things are going wrong, compared to 53% of Turbulent Debaters.

“Handling Stress” Survey

But while Assertive Debaters may not react as negatively or openly to problems, they also may not put as much effort into self-monitoring or feel as ashamed of any missteps. Their sense of comfort with themselves applies regardless of the results of their thoughts or actions.

64% of Turbulent Debaters say they see many of their mistakes as failures, versus 39% of Assertive Debaters.

“Thought Patterns” Survey

Turbulent variants are also more likely to react to failure with vocal defensiveness or blaming themselves or others and to respond more vigorously to criticism.

Debater personality types, in general, can be quite willful and competitive, though Assertive Debaters are less likely to be annoyed when someone else is better at something. Their self-confidence is more durable, even when their success or superiority is uncertain.

Debaters are known for their ready adaptability, and Assertive Debaters are somewhat more likely to say that stress actually helps them focus. Their Turbulent counterparts are much less likely to feel that they can effectively manage the stress in their lives, and they more often take steps to avoid it.

64% of Turbulent Debaters find it hard not to let a moderately stressful event affect them negatively, versus just 20% of Assertive Debaters.

“Handling Stress” Survey

It’s worth noting that these two personality variants have somewhat differing responses to stress. Assertive Debaters are a bit more likely to engage in physical activity as an outlet, while Turbulent Debaters are prone to being even more talkative than normal.

Unfortunately, Turbulent Debaters are also more prone to struggling with negative self-perception. They’re less likely to be satisfied when looking back on their life overall or even just with their physical appearance.

53% of Turbulent Debaters say they are generally happy with the way they look, compared to 84% of Assertive Debaters.

“Body Image” Survey

While the Turbulent personality trait can make some less comfortable with themselves, Debaters of both Identities have roughly similar boldness and optimism overall. Interestingly, it’s the Turbulent ones who are less likely to ask for help, often because they fear it may make them look weak.

It’s also important to mention that compared to Assertive Debaters, Turbulent Debaters are significantly more likely to agree that negative emotions affect their ability to think clearly and significantly less likely to feel like they have control over their emotions.


  • Turbulent Debaters are more likely to seek social approval than Assertive Debaters, who are usually more self-confident.
  • Assertive Debater personalities are less easily provoked than their Turbulent counterparts, who tend to be reactive, especially to criticism.
  • Turbulent Debaters are more likely to talk about their feelings and put significant effort into controlling negative feelings, while Assertive Debaters are less prone to self-examination or shame.
  • Assertive Debaters are less affected by stress; Turbulent Debaters often have a hard time managing even moderate stress.
  • Turbulent Debaters are more likely to be upset or assign blame over their failures, whereas their Assertive counterparts are less bothered, even when someone else is superior.
  • Assertive Debaters tend to have a more positive self-view than their Turbulent cousins, who are more likely to see fault in themselves and their lives.

Despite these noted differences, Debaters are more alike than not. The qualities that make this personality type stand out are vivid, regardless of their Identity. Some Debaters may feel the effects of misfortune or doubt more keenly, but they usually bounce back in their own way, just as determined to triumph.

In the end, both Assertive and Turbulent Debaters often share similar paths in life, even if they walk with slightly different gaits and falter for different reasons. Most importantly, this personality type can overcome any pitfalls of either Identity trait through awareness and practice.


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